Keeping up with the Beating Wings of Hummingbird…
In short, the main developments have been:- High quality, relevant content. As before, duplicate content is an absolute no-no. (Thank goodness!) However, Google has tightened things still further, in an attempt to ensure that online searches are rewarded with relevant, engaging sites, rather than sites that happen to be adept at manipulating Google algorithms. In short, the message is a simple one. Keep it high quality, keep it original and make sure that it provides something of value to your target audience.
- Increased importance of easy navigation. It’s now vitally important to ensure that your website provides a slick, user-friendly experience for visitors. Ease of navigation within the site itself is key, as is link structure, and its also important to fine tune your site map, make sure all images are suitably optimised and that page load times are speedy, not sluggish.
- Videos, images and fresh content. It’s clear that Google are placing high value on all of these elements at present. Blogging remains an excellent way to update content regularly, and put a smile on the search engines’ faces.
- Tags still matter. For a while, there was speculation that Google was moving significantly away from on site elements such as title tags and page URLs. However, it would seem that the rumours were unfounded, and that well optimised ALT image tags, title tags, H1 tags and URLs still hold relevance, when it comes to shimmying up the rankings on the search engines.