About the company
MBA aims to help children to understand muddled feelings and traumatic events which they have not had a chance to work through. Children have a natural propensity to communicate their thoughts and feelings through play. At MBA, the service is delivered with the right skills, insight and capacity to tailor to the specific therapeutic and emotional needs of each school and child it works with. The service can help to bring a powerful dimension to the character, ability and perception of individuals to quite literally master their world and engage more fully in it.
Objectives of the website
- Make it look simple, user friendly but also professional and fine tune our message.
- Spreading awareness about Counselling Play Therapy, Emotional & Therapeutic support for Children, Teachers & Parents.
- To promote services & increase online enquiries.
- Content contributions need to be done easily from backend..
- Custom Web Design
- Responsive Web Design
- UX Design & Content Strategy
- Future-Friendly Web Development
- Business Card & Leaflet Design

How we Do It
We specialise in a number of areas. Here are just a few of the key services that we offer.

Masters Beyond Academics had stated their vision in the field of Emotional & Therapeutic support to Children, Teachers & Parents. An easily understood interface is key point that we covered to provide useful information into an area of counselling, psychotherapy, clinical supervision, development, coaching and energy psychology. Users need to visualise the solutions that MBA offer, whether it be to head masters for their children, teachers & parents.

Style Concept
Masters Beyond Academics offer a multitude of school-appropriate services to form a package or as standalone support structures for children, parents and staff. These services were incorporated in the website which fulfilled MBA’s expectations. The feel of the site needed to not only be not contemporary, cutting edge, user friendly but also professional.

Bringing it all together
To be able to get the right information to be presented in the website it was necessary to develop and integrate certain menu options. As well as this, it was important, from the user’s point of view to have a fairly simple navigation system that allows the user to navigate, whether they are teachers, parents or children.